Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is one of the most common neurodevelopmental disorders. Yet, there is little knowledge about its prevalence in underdeveloped regionslike Africa. Not only is there a serious lack of Autism-related services at governmental levels – for diagnosis and treatment, but public awareness also remains appalling. As a result, there is stigma around the disorder. Autistic individuals are discriminated against, isolated, often abused, and lack support. The issues are further exacerbated by widespread poverty.
All these factors create a barrier to seeking information and advice, early prognosis, and proper treatment. Thus, obstructing the integration of autistic children into society.
ASD-Accept is an attempt to remove these barriers.
We understand that the stigma attached to Autism in Africa is deep-rooted in society. The only way to break it is to work from the bottom up by raising awareness about the disorder. This ‘Resources’ section of our ASD-Accept app is dedicated to just that.
Here, we provide correct, complete, and up-to-date information about Autism and make it available to everyone. Making knowledge about Autism easily accessible to the masses is our first step towards improving the plight of autistic children in Africa, most of whom remain undiagnosed all their lives, detached from society, and are often kept trapped at home.
The lack of awareness about Autism is spread across all segments of society in Africa. There’s a serious lack of knowledge about Autism spectrum disorder even in Africa’s medical community. A research survey conducted among pediatricians and psychiatrists in Nigeria found that many of these healthcare experts believe ASD has supernatural causes.
A primary feature of our ASD-Accept app, Autistometer provides a list of simple tests that do not require specialized knowledge or tools, allowing anyone to perform them with their children at home. It uses a scoring system to help determine the likelihood of autism in a child.
Don’t ignore the symptoms your child is exhibiting or let the lack of resources be the reason for a delayed autism diagnosis.
Access correct and up-to-date information about Autism Spectrum Disorder to help change the plight of Africa’s autistic community.
Read informational articles and watch educational videos to develop a better understanding of the neurodevelopmental disorder.
Learn ways to keep Autistic kids engaged and help improve their social skills and learning abilities through our activity videos.
Children affected by Autism Spectrum Disorder are as much a part of mainstream society as those born without any neurodevelopmental disorder. They only need a little more care and effort, and providing care to someone on the spectrum starts with gaining the right knowledge.
Whether you’re a parent of an autistic child or a caregiver, we help you provide them better care and support by bringing you the correct information.